5 Benefits of You Taking a “Digital Detox Day”

Just like our bodies need to be “detoxed” from too much meat (especially red meat), junk food, and sugary drinks, our bodies need a “detox” from our electronic media devices! One day per week would indeed be beneficial for ALL of us!
Okay, folks…breathe deeply!!
If one day isn’t feasible, try a method that Les (my husband) and I do: one evening per week. At 7:00 pm on one particular evening that we’ve chosen, we turn off our PCs, the television, our cell phones, and we don’t answer our house phone (yes; we still have an “old school” landline that you “youngsters” may not know about).
Anyway, we take this time to have what we call our version of a “sanity check.”

We communicate with each other about how we are doing (individually and as a couple) overall. We discuss issues and bounce ideas off of each other. If there is nothing in particular that we need to discuss that evening, we tend to READ (not on electronic devices, folks; but from printed media!).
Whether you are married or not, it is also a perfect time for reflection on your life’s journey and goals. It is a time to read positive and educational print material that will enrich our lives.
So, let’s take a look at five benefits of regularly taking a “Digital Detox”:
1. Taking a Break from Constantly Reading and Watching the News Will Mentally and Physically Benefit You:

I like to watch the news to be aware of what’s going on locally, nationally, and internationally. We should remain mindful of the good and the bad for our welfare. However, especially after the last four years of perpetual negative drama politically and the ongoing insidious insanity of racial injustice, I found myself being negatively affected by being “glued” to the constant barrage of news.
With my husband’s encouragement on our weekly “sanity checks,” he pointed out the emotional impact that “news binging” was having on me emotionally. In light of that, I know that what impacts us emotionally can also affect us physically – for good or bad.
Here’s where the importance of having a balanced and abundant lifestyle is so beneficial:
I now monitor the time spent on my intake of news-watching/reading. I set personal boundaries on what I take into my psyche. Try limiting your news intake to a specific time of day and for a certain amount of time. Better yet, try to detox from the news for at least one day per week. Instead, do things that will improve your overall well-being.
2. It Will Benefit Our Awareness of Others’ Needs:

We need to put down our phones when we’re spending time with others! Our cell phones’ constant presence creates feelings of not being that important to the other person with the phone.
Also, it doesn’t matter whether the phone is turned off; physically put the phone away, and enjoy each other’s company! It’s surprising to find out just how enjoyable and educational having a conversation with others can be!
3. It Will Benefit Our Physical Well-Being:

Being in front of a screen too much is physically unhealthy!
From my own experience, while sitting and writing my blogs, I become stiff, and my lower back gets sore. I consciously get up and walk around or exercise to break it up.
We need to become more physically active (taking walks, working out, etc.) as a vital part of enjoying life to its’ fullest.

4. It Will Benefit Us by Not Being Consumed by “FOMO”:
“FOMO” (the Fear of Missing Out) is an acronym used widely concerning the use/addiction some have to social media and adverse emotional and physical effects it can possibly have on us. There is a great online article in VeryWellMind.com that I encourage you to read called. “How to Deal with FOMO in Your Life: The Origin of FOMO and How It Affects Our Health.”
Again, striking a healthy balance with our social media consumption will help us be more focused on positive ways to improve our connections to others. Disinformation and altered reality are prevalent on some channels of social media. Having and keeping a balanced perspective on what we take in on social media platforms is beneficial to us and others.
5. It Will Benefit Lowering our Stress Level and Raising Our Level of Productivity:

Counter Productive!
From my own experience, so-called multitasking is highly overrated!

With the constant annoyance and distraction of text messages and email, our work productivity gets stretches out longer, and our stress level tends to elevate.
Having an increased focus on the tasks at hand helps streamline our work schedule while giving us more sense of accomplishment.
Our daily lives have become so reliant on technology that it seems almost scary to step back from it, even for an hour! However, we need to set boundaries and be proactive in establishing healthy balances in our lives.
It will assuredly benefit us mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually!
For more information, please read my posts:
Setting Personal Boundaries: Essential for Self-Care and Emotional Freedom
No Gym? No Problem! Try Power Walking for Exercise
Having Spiritual Faith: The Mental and Physical Benefits
Walk Your Way to Overall Good Health: It Starts with Just One Step!
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