Walk Your Way to Overall Good Health: It Starts with Just One Step!
Hands down, walking is one of the best ways to exercise for overall better health!
Taking a walk, jogging, hiking or running, can reap a lifetime of psychological, physical, spiritual, and social benefits. Walking for overall good health is one of the easiest and most economical ways to exercise. It starts with just one step!
The Physical Health Benefits of Walking:
The physical health benefits of walking can help in reversing chronic illnesses, such as controlling blood sugar levels (prediabetes), high (bad) cholesterol, and lowering the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. Brisk walks help to burn more calories and strengthen our muscles. Even if you’re not able to walk briskly, walking at your own pace is always a great road to overall good health.

The Psychological Benefits of Walking:
The psychological benefits of walking (especially while outdoors enjoying nature) promote a positive mood. The release of endorphins (a neurochemical that boosts your mental health, decreases your sensitivity to stress and pain, and can even make you feel euphoric) into the body can produce a calming, positive effect. Practicing mindfulness – especially paying attention to what’s around you and thinking about the benefit of walking with each step – reaps benefits for your overall health.

The Spiritual Benefits of Walking:
The spiritual benefits of walking allow us to be mindful of our Creator and the abundance of beauty in nature. Taking in the world around us, being mindful of having gratitude for the simple yet important aspects of life, and just being able to physically move – these are gifts not to be taken for granted. When my husband and I can go hiking, we feel so humbled by our surroundings’ sheer beauty. We would discuss how God has provided nature’s beauty as a backdrop for the simple and beneficial pleasure of hiking.
The Social Benefits of Walking:
The social benefits of walking can be achieved by teaming up with other like-minded people. Even in the current climate of social distancing due to COVID-19, you can safely walk outdoors by wearing a mask and not walking too closely together. When weather permits, I like to walk with my neighbor, discuss all sorts of issues, and enjoy each other’s company. It can be a friend, neighbor, a group, spouse, club – sharing a common activity with others can benefit our overall health!
Don’t Let It Become Boring!!
I LOVE walking, but I’ll be honest; sometimes walking – especially walking indoors or walking alone – can feel boring! An article put out by The Harvard Health Letter (“Reinvent Your Walking Regimen”) provides various techniques we can use to break up the boredom that sometimes creeps in.
Some of the techniques discussed include:
Whatever form of walking you can safely start, I strongly encourage incorporating it into your lifestyle.
Make walking a necessity for a balanced, abundant life!
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