Managing Your Stress and Anxiety through Spirituality
As humans, we tend to gravitate towards things that are seen and tangible. In terms of relieving stress and anxiety, we readily accept things we can physically do; take medication, exercise, eat more healthily and eliminate junk food, staying in touch with family and friends while eliminating our toxic relationships. All good. Yet, just as important is relieving stress and anxiety through getting – and staying – in touch with our spirituality.

As a Christian, I have faith and hope that my life has purpose, help, and meaning. My life is not just my own, but I’m here to be of service and help others. I believe that I will have life with God after my life here on earth. Whatever your spiritual belief, spirituality gives your life a sense of meaning and context. It seeks to eradicate selfishness and pride. Giving yourself to others in a positive way has a wonderful effect on your mental well-being.
In a June 24, 2021 article by the Mayo Clinic staff, the positive effects of stress management are discussed. I encourage you to read and share their article.
- Spirituality and faith are integral to a balanced and abundant life. Whatever your belief, positive and affirming faith should be part of your overall healthy lifestyle.
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