Your Personal Finances: Check Out The Penny Hoarder Website!
One of the BEST websites for all things personal finance-related is The Penny Hoarder!

Considered to be one of the nation’s largest personal finance websites, The Penny Hoarder helps people take control of their personal finance issues and make smart money decisions. They are dedicated to helping their readers live a simpler life with a more economical approach. This website has helped millions of people transform their finances, with the sole purpose of helping people stress less about money.
When it comes to personal finances -especially budgeting, many people tend to freeze up, leading to unwise (and possibly disastrous) decisions. Some people even ask, “What is a budget?”
This great article by The Penny Hoarder (” Budgeting 101: Our Simple Guide You Can Actually Stick To”) can help you to start the New Year with down-to-earth information to help you make smart, savvy money decisions.
They cover such personal finance topics as making and saving money, retirement, debt, home buying, and several more. Their Penny Hoarder Academy provides free step-by-step, beginner’s level education for you, such as budgeting, job-hunting, credit cards, and groceries “101”. I encourage you to subscribe to The Penny Hoarder Daily, their free daily e-newsletter, which is a wealth of information that touches just about every aspect of your financial needs. Just go to their website, signup, and start to enjoy the abundance of personal finance information that you can take advantage of right away.
Join their Community Buzz forum! If you’re looking for an environment where you can find support, inspire others, and provide tips around getting a handle on your finances, Community Buzz is a great resource.
Start the New Year with a fresh approach to managing your money. I strongly encourage you to bookmark and use The Penny Hoarder website to educate yourself and pass it along to others!
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