Our family caregivers are our “unsung heroes” in providing crucial, and absolutely necessary, help and assistance for their loved ones. As you know, my website, Balanced Abundant Living, is dedicated to the holistic quality of life for Baby Boomer and GenX generations – especially those in these age groups who are currently family caregivers. The month of November is designated as “National Family Caregivers Month”. We honor the millions of individuals (the bulk of who are usually GenX and Baby Boomers) who have taken on the role as a family caregiver. They need our help, understanding, and support on so many levels! Understand; a “family caregiver” IS ANYONE who provides care, love, and assistance (physical, financial, social, emotional, spiritual) FOR ANYONE (family member, friend, neighbor, etc.), usually for no pay, have to take care of their own family and household, and are working full or part-time. Needless to say, that’s a lot for anyone to juggle, and usually can put a strain (physical, financial, social, emotional, spiritual) on the life of the caregiver. I want to take this opportunity to dedicate this month’s weekly email to provide informational resources for family caregivers, their loved ones, and others in their lives who want to help and encourage them. |