March is a Great Month for Spring Cleaning and De-Cluttering – Especially for Seniors!

Ahhh… Springtime! The Vernal Equinox (first day of Spring) for 2023 starts on Monday, March 20. However, what better time to start spring cleaning and de-cluttering of our humble abodes than right now?
Plants are starting to bloom, and with that comes pollen. Dust in closed up living areas tend to explode! Allergies tend to really kick in!
For seniors with allergies or other respiratory or chronic issues, a really good cleaning and de-cluttering is not only good for overall health, but also for safety in the home too.
Spring Cleaning Tips for Seniors
The website,, offers seven simple Spring-cleaning tips for seniors:
- Work in small chunks of time.
- Make getting rid of clutter a priority (great safety tip!).
- Leave the heavy lifting to someone else.
- Check your medicine cabinets (e.g., safely get rid of old prescriptions and over-the-counter medications).
- Check smoke and carbon dioxide detectors.
- Freshen up and organize your kitchen refrigerator and pantry (e.g., throw out old/expired items)
- Clean your dishwasher and washing machine.


Finally, the website for (a national leader in non-medical in-home care) offers their tips for spring cleaning and de-cluttering for family caregivers taking care of loved ones:
- Have a Plan (e.g., a checklist)
- Invite Other Family or Friends to Help.
- Involve your loved one.
- Go After Clutter First.
- Throw out expired items.
- Test Safety Precautions (e.g., grab bars, fire/carbon monoxide detectors, etc.)

If possible, consider hiring a cleaning company to come in to do a thorough spring cleaning of your home.
Whether you’re a senior or a family caregiver, a good spring cleaning and de-cluttering is good for continuing your journey of a balanced and abundant life!