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Stroke: Know the Signs F.A.S.T.!

Knowing the signs and prevention methods for stroke can make the difference between life and death.  It can make the difference between a rapid or prolonged recovery period after a stroke.  Within the past three months, two of my friends suffered a stroke.

(Note: I was granted permission by both women interviewed to use their names in this post )

One of my closest childhood friends (Nicky Wilkinson, Washington, D.C.) has minimal side effects.  My other close friend of over thirty years (Rev. Linda Diane Long, Pastor of New Love All Baptist Church, Eastman, GA.) has suffered moderate side effects.  Both are in physical and occupational therapy. Linda is also having speech therapy.  Both realize that it could have been a lot worse had they not recognized the warning signs!

All of us need to be educated about stroke, knowing the signs of a stroke, and the positive effects of healthier eating and exercise as a few of the lifestyle choices in preventing a stroke.


Prior to her stroke, Nicky taught line dance classes three times per week, and chose to be certified as a line dance instructor. Her certification included CPR training and learning the signs of a stroke.  One day, after not feeling well, Nicky recognized the signs of possibly having a stroke. 

She called her doctor and was asked how she knew she was having a stroke.  Nicky told them the various symptoms and was instructed to call 911 immediately.  Her quick actions saved her precious time to get the proper medical help before the physical/neurological effects of her stroke could have done more harm.


Linda shared with me that the day prior to her stroke, she wasn’t feeling well.  Later that night, she noticed that her speech was “a little off.”  When she had awakened the next morning, the right side of her body hurt, and her speech was very slurred. She told her husband, who then took her to a hospital emergency room.  The medical staff ran a stroke protocol.

Her blood pressure was 230/100+ (very high).  Linda stated that, because she was medically helped more than four hours after the initial signs, more physical and neurological damage had occurred.  She was told that within four hours of a stroke, physicians can reverse some of the damage.  While she is recuperating pretty well, the residual effects may linger for a longer period of time. 

Unlike many of us, both of these women knew an important acronym: F.A.S.T.

According to the American Heart Association and the American Stroke Association, all of us need to educate ourselves and our loved ones about the warning signs of a stroke.

F.A.S.T. stands for:

F – Face Drooping: Does one side of the face droop or is it numb? Ask the person to smile.

A – Arm Weakness: Is one arm feeling weak or numb? Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?

S – Speech Difficulty: Is speech slurred, are they unable to speak, or are they hard to understand? Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence, like “the sky is blue.” Is the sentence repeated correctly?

T – Time to call 9-1-1: If the person shows any of these symptoms, even if the symptoms go away, call 9-1-1 and get them to the hospital immediately!

Know These Signs of a Stroke

Of course, apply these steps to yourself.  If there’s no one around to go through the speech test with you, but any of the other signs apply, then immediately go to T(ime to call 9-1-1)! 

Don’t Mess Around!

Also, watch out for other symptoms, such as:

  • Sudden numbness
  • Sudden confusion
  • Sudden trouble seeing
  • Sudden trouble walking
  • Sudden severe headache

(Information provided by the American Stroke Association)

Not only is this information important to everyone in general, but it is also important to the ongoing care of stroke survivors and their caregivers (i.e., spouse, relative, friend, professional caregiver, neighbor, etc.).

Help Each Other By Educating Yourself About Stroke – Don’t Wait!

In general, men have a tendency to not react as quickly in seeking medical help, which can lead to devastating results because of delay.  As a former pastor of mine used to say, “There’s no future in ‘fronting’!”

Life after stroke and the prevention of another stroke is so important.  The American Stroke Association’s page dedicated to this is called, “One Is Enough: Take Steps Now to Prevent Another Stroke or Heart Attack.” 

Please read, print, and bookmark this important page!


For your further education, I ran across a very good book to consider reading and having as a resource:

“Hope After Stroke for Caregivers and Survivors: The Holistic Guide To Getting Your Life” by Tsgoyna Tanzman. (2019, paperback)

I urge all of you to know the signs and prevention methods of a stroke.  Please educate yourself and spread the word!

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