Personal Financial Freedom: 9-Plus Must-Reads!
During my years as a librarian, I enjoyed reviewing and purchasing personal finance books and other related material at the public library where I worked. Some titles on improving financial freedom were excellent, and some were not. The importance of having personal financial freedom is part of having a balanced, abundant life.
Below are personal financial freedom titles that I consider classic and timely “reads”, and some more recent titles that are sure to become future personal finance classics. Although certainly not an exhaustive list, all contain information that will help you on your quest for personal financial freedom!
The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness. by Dave Ramsey
Dave Ramsey is a #1 national bestselling author, personal finance expert, and host of The Dave Ramsey Show, heard by millions of listeners each week. Chosen as one of the best personal finance books over several years, The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey is the book of commonsense personal finance wisdom for everyone, with becoming debt-free as its’ cornerstone! Highly recommended reading!
Think and Grow Rich: The Complete Original Edition Plus Bonus Material. by Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich is viewed as a timeless personal finance and self-help classic. Although written in 1937, the applications and principles of Napoleon Hill are just as useful today as when they were first published. Think and Grow Rich has been viewed as inspiring more people to become millionaires and billionaires than any other book in history. In this new edition, the timeless messages may help future generations to view handling personal finances from a responsible level of wise stewardship.
Here’s another classic that should be read as a foundation for building your personal finance collection! I read The Millionaire Next Door several years ago and discovered that most millionaires are not materialistic “showboats,” but ordinary people who live very comfortably and contently at or below their means! It explains the critical difference between those who are genuinely wealthy and those who are “playing” wealthy. It shows you what genuinely wealthy people do. An eye-opener!
Fully revised and updated in 2018, Your Money or Your Life is considered one of the most influential books on personal finance. Here is a good summary of the book, taken from the website,
“Many books on money are available today. What these books have in common is that they assume your financial life functions separately from the rest of your life. This book is about putting it all back together. It is about integration, a ‘whole systems’ approach to your life. It will take you back to basics — the basics of making your spending (and hopefully your saving) of money into a clear mirror of your life values and purpose. It is about the most basic of freedoms — the freedom to think for yourself.”
I remembered when this book first came out in 2004. As a librarian responsible for my library’s personal finance collection, I reviewed this book and decided that we would need several copies to satisfy our patrons’ demand. I was right! It was (and still is) an incredibly popular and informative read!
David Bach has helped millions of people worldwide become proactive in living and finishing rich. He is one of the most popular and prolific financial authors of our time. Not only has this book taught me a lot, but David’s other books have as well! I strongly encourage you to add this to your personal finance education toolbox!
Below is a partial list of his other books:
Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life Together. By Erin Lowry
This is a book written by a millennial for millennials. The author explains just about everything young adults need to know about personal finances. She incorporates her personal experiences and provides the reader with practical advice in easy-to-follow steps. It is highly recommended for young adults and even teens!
The authors show you how to motivate your kids to manage money. Start teaching them at a young age, and their missteps with money are a lot smaller (and cheaper) than when they’re older. Raising Your Money-Savvy Family for NextGeneration Financial Independence will help you learn to navigate your one-on-one financial discussions with your kids. An excellent resource for teaching and assisting children in learning about personal financial responsibility that will reap benefits for them in the future!

The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom. By Michelle Singletary
I first became acquainted with Ms. Singletary’s books as a librarian in California. Later, I had the pleasure of meeting Michelle Singletary at a seminar at her church in Maryland, where my husband and I now live. As an award-winning writer and The Washington Post columnist, Michelle Singletary offers a financial challenge for her readers. For twenty-one days, put away your credit cards and buy only the barest of essentials (okay; breathe deeply…you can do it!). You’ll be guided during this three-week financial fast. During this time, Ms. Singletary will show you how to:
- Break bad spending habits
- Plot a course to become debt-free with the Debt Dash Plan
- Avoid the temptation of overspending on college
- Learn how to prepare elderly relatives and yourself for future long-term care expenses
- Be prepared for any contingency with a Life Happens Fund
- Stop worrying about money and find the priceless power of financial peace
Another great read from Ms. Singletary is “Spend Well, Live Rich.”
How to Manage Your Money: An In-Depth Bible Study on Personal Finances. By Larry Burkett
Larry Burkett (1939-2003) was a well-known authority on business and personal finance. He wrote more than seventy books. I enjoyed listening to and learning from his radio program until his death. Written from a Biblical perspective, it provides sound Bible verses that deal with various aspects of handling finances.
Another excellent book by Larry Burkett that I enjoyed and learned from is called “Debt-Free Living: Eliminating Debt in a New Economy“. If you are trying to get out of debt and learn to be a wise steward of your finances, then I recommend his books!
I encourage you to continue to educate yourself and your loved ones on the importance of the wise handling of personal finances. While there are so many more good books dealing with personal finance, these titles are sure to contribute to your overall financially abundant living!
For more information on personal finance issues, please read my other posts at Financially Abundant Living
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