5 Positive Powers of Abundant Generosity

Being a generous person releases the power of positive, abundant living in our lives and the lives of those we touch with generosity. Generosity is the act of giving without having an ulterior motive (for instance, expecting recognition or something material in return).
It’s the quality of being generous and kind. Generosity also means that we’re happy to give our time, material resources, food, talents, and kindness to people in need. Generosity is much more than just being generous with “stuff.”

Think of generosity as the ocean’s waves: the “wave” of your generous acts flows out into the “ocean” of life, and life’s generosity most assuredly “flows” back to you.
The following five perspectives of living a balanced, abundant life of generosity will certainly enhance not only your well-being, but the well-being of others:
Note: All Biblical references are from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.®
The Power of Emotional Generosity:

Being emotionally generous means having the ability to show empathy towards others, and at the same time, putting aside your own needs for someone else.
It recognizes that the other person, at that moment, needs emotional support. We all need encouragement. Encouraging others in their endeavors and struggles emotionally benefits both its’ giver and the receiver!
The Power of Financial Generosity:

You do not have to be a millionaire to be financially generous! The power of financial generosity really benefits both the giver and the receiver at all economic levels.
Waiting until we are “financially wealthy” in order to give may or may not ever happen. In the Bible, Proverbs 11.25 (NKJV) states, “The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.”
This Biblical principle of giving and receiving has held true since the beginning of time. Holding tight to whatever resources you have really doesn’t allow you to have abundance (1 Timothy 6: 7-10; 17-19).
Financial selfishness/greediness tends to breed negativity, contempt, and eventually, a bad effect on us physically and psychologically. Generous financial givers tend to be happier and more content with their lives. Being generous will enrich you on many levels! (Luke 6:38; NKJV).
The Physical Power of Generosity:
We experience more happiness, less depression and anxiety, more contentment with what we already have, and a feeling of purpose in the form of helping others!
Being generous to others has such a positive physical impact on us! Tied in with emotional generosity, our bodies react to the positive nature of generosity.

Also, our bodies react in a positive manner when we shift the focus off of our concerns, and onto meeting the needs of others.
In a blog post by Dave Ramsey called, “Why Giving Makes You Feel So Good”, he notes that generosity is good for your brain health, makes you and those around you happier, can help you live longer, and counters the effect of depression.

The Power of Social Generosity:
It goes without saying that all aspects of generosity benefit our societies.
Taking care of our fellow human beings, wildlife, and this Earth through financial, spiritual, physical, and emotional support reaps a wealth of positive benefits for everyone.

The Spiritual Power of Generosity:

Most world religions teach the spiritual importance of generosity. Like the other aspects of generosity, spiritual generosity is seen as the foundation of generosity.
Spiritual generosity is viewed as sharing our spiritual gifts or talents freely with others without expecting anything in return.
Like the other aspects, it seems contradictory to common sense because we tend to gain back more than we give! When we are forgiving and gentle towards others, we’re showing a spirit of generosity. The Bible offers many insights into the spiritual aspect and benefits of generosity (read: 2 Corinthians 9:6; Luke 12:48; Acts 20:35).

Let the power of generosity enrich you and others to have a more balanced and abundant life!
Following are additional resources on how to incorporate the power of generosity in your life:
–The Genius of Generosity. By Chip Ingram. 2019.
–The Blessed Life: Unlocking the Rewards of Generous Living. By Robert Morris. 2004.
–Generous Living: Finding Contentment through Giving. By Ron Blue. 1997.
–Generous Love: Discover the Love of Living “Others First”. By Becky Kopitzke. 2018.
–Random Acts of Kindness: Living a Life of Selfless Generosity!. Blog Post from Balanced Abundant Living.com. By Joan Jackson. 2021.
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