The Stressed Family Caregiver Checklist






Your Self-Care is Essential as a Caregiver!

  Self-Care Checklist for 

                                          “The Stressed Family Caregiver”


  • As a caregiver, your emotional and physical health is essential to you and your loved one. 
  • Learn essential self-care techniques to help you avoid “caregiver burnout.” 
  • Let this free checklist be the start on your road to successfully managing your well-being as a family caregiver! 


I know how it feels to be a family caregiver!  

So let me “paint you a picture”: 

A few years ago, my husband and I lived and worked in California, and my dad (lived alone) in Washington, D.C.

My journey began when we received a call from his neighbor that my 80-year-old dad was rear-ended by a school bus while driving to the store and in the hospital. So we immediately flew back east, put his home in some semblance of order, rented an SUV (his injuries wouldn’t allow him to fly), packed up his essentials, and drove back to California in 4 1/2 days (with my dad suffering from Sundowner’s Syndrome). We cared for him for three years until he passed away. 

There’s lots of stress as a family caregiver with lots of love!  

I know that if your health goes “down the tubes” from caregiver-related stress (fatigue; guilt; anger, impatience, etc.), you and your loved one(s) will suffer negative emotional consequences. 

Your self-care is not selfish; it’s crucial!  

My husband and I knew that we needed to find ways to care for ourselves while balancing caregiver responsibilities. 

As a former owner of a non-medical in-home care business and a Certified Senior Advisor, I felt compelled to create this checklist to help you as a family caregiver and start your journey to a more balanced and abundant life! 

Self-Care Means Regular Care! 

Please don’t let your health “go down the tubes” while caring for your loved one. My simple-to-follow checklist will start you on your journey of becoming a better YOU and a better family caregiver. 



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