About Us
Hello Everyone!
I'm Joan, the Owner/Content Creator of Balanced Abundant Living
As a Certified Senior Advisor® and a former librarian/research specialist and a former family caregiver, I have a passion for finding and providing fact-based, reputable information resources!
I created Balanced Abundant Living towards the end of 2020 as an online portal for reputable, vetted information resources, e-products, and speaking engagements that I offer to enhance the quality of life of family caregivers, their loved ones, and seniors who want to age in place successfully.
To give you an even better perspective on my services, click here to listen to my interview conducted by Close-Up Radio and Television.
Knowledge is truly empowering! I fully understand the sometimes overwhelming responsibilities of the family caregiver. “Caregiver Burnout” is a day-to-day reality for many who care for their loved ones. Many caregivers are at a loss regarding resources available to help ease their load. As a senior and a member of the National Aging In Place Council (NAIPC), I know a balanced and abundant aging-in-place strategy with the proper information tools is crucial.
About Joan:
Joan Jackson is the Founder and Content Creator for the website, BalancedAbundantLiving.com, and the weekly informational email, “Balanced Abundant Living: Information Tools for Your Life’s Journey”.
She is a retired pubic reference librarian, law librarian and information specialist in the IT industry for over 25 years.
Her passion for empowering seniors and family caregivers is mirrored in the information resources, education, and pubic speaking engagements that she provides.
Joan holds a Master of Science in Library and Information Science, and is a member of the Prince George’s (MD) Senior Provider Network, the Anne Arundel (MD) Senior Provider Group, and the National Aging-In-Place Council.
“We are all trying to keep ourselves on an even keel with what I refer to as our ‘five life pillars’ (emotional, social, financial, spiritual, and physical) for a balanced and abundant life.
This site hopes to give you as accurate and no-nonsense educational information possible. My goal is to enhance your quality of life and address your questions to pursue balanced, abundant living!”
To Your Balanced, Abundant Living,
Joan Jackson, CSA